This portfolio site is based on this template. Includes:
- MDX and Markdown support
- Optimized for SEO (sitemap, robots, JSON-LD schema)
- RSS Feed
- Dynamic OG images
- Syntax highlighting
- Tailwind v4
- Vercel Speed Insights / Web Analytics
- Geist font
I will gradually add more features. Currently each project is displayed by having a main description MDX just like the blog page.
In the future I am considering adding:
- Timeline features to display updates and progress of each project
- Use a separate CMS to manage the project details
- Potentially integrate demos
- Add more interactivity to the page (like, comment, share)
Some Random Code
A TypeScript function that greets 😀.
function greet(name: string): string {
return `Hello, ${name}!`
This is the end of the post.